The Mary of Nazareth Preschool Program, for 3 & 4 year old children, teaches several key learning skills on an appropriate developmental level.
The curriculum is based on teaching prereading and pre-math skills.
Fine Motor Skills -scissor use, holding a pencil correctly
Gross Motor Skills - running, jumping, balance
Social Skills - interacting appropriately with peers
Colors, shapes, numbers, seasons, days of week and months
Religion - basic teachings of the Catholic Church
Computers - Students are introduced to using a computer in a laboratory setting. The students become familiar with the equipment in a computer lab. Furthermore, students are instructed on how to take care of a computer and use age appropriate software to help enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. No Grade is given at this age for computers
Physical Education
Music - Learn basic musical notation, how to read and follow manuscript, sing in harmony within a group, liturgical music.
Computers - Students review the rules of using a computer in a laboratory setting. Students begin the process of learning how to log onto a network with a username and password. The students engage in activities related to basic phonics and math skills as well as become familiar with the equipment in a computer lab. Furthermore, students are instructed on lab etiquette and work on activities designed to help enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Students will begin learning the layout of a keyboard as a preview to typing. Students are introduced to all Microsoft Office Products. Students learn age appropriate internet safety with Faux Paw the Techno Cat. No grade is given at this age for computers.
Social Studies
Study Skills
Physical Education